We believe in working for the peace and prosperity
of the cities to which God has called us.

Living Loved, Linked, and Sent


We are created for
intimacy with God.

  • "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength."
    - Mark 12:30


We are created for healthy relationships with others.

  • "The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. 'Therefore is no commandment greater than these."
    - Mark 12:31


We are created to
give ourselves away.

  • "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."
    - Matthew 28:19-20

What To Expect

We believe God calls us to pursue him just as we are, inside and out, so we cultivate a casual, fun and inviting atmosphere. As our guest, you can check out our services without intrusion and begin your spiritual journey at your own pace -no pressure- just encouragement and support.

We are the church, we don’t just go to church. This truth shapes our commitment to live as the church on mission throughout the week, and gather as one body in different locations throughout our cities every weekend for worship.

A church’s worship experience typically reflects the personality of that church. We invite you to spend time with us in our weekend gatherings and experience our passion for dynamic, meaningful worship.

The message of our worship is unchanging: God is worthy to be praised and He desires to have an intimate, personal relationship with each of us.

Beliefs & Accountability

We believe that transformation in this life is possible because of the hope of the Resurrection of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit at work in the life of believers. The relationship between the Trinity - Father, Son and Spirit AND our belief that humans bear the image of God, have inherent value and worth, and are hard-wired for community serve as foundational in how we live in community and care for our neighbors. Read more about Heritage's beliefs.

Heritage Church is an board-governed, staff-led congregation that strives to equip God’s people for meaningful ministry. We are a congregation of the Wesleyan Church, and our pastors are licensed/ordained under their spiritual authority. Every year, Heritage undergoes a full financial audit by an independent CPA firm. Results of our audit are available to church members upon request by contacting [email protected].

We want to see God transform our neighbors, community, and world.